
Home > Our Services > Wraparound > WrapWorks


WrapWorks is the Center’s wraparound program, contracted with the County of San Diego, to serve children and teens, ages 3-18, in the foster and probation systems. As some families are working with multiple agencies and service providers, the WrapWorks program provides the following to help streamline the experience and ensure the child and family receive the most out of the services provided:

  • Care coordination
  • Case management
  • Individual and family therapy
  • Medication management
  • Peer support partners
  • Crisis intervention

Services are provided at times and places most convenient for the family, and crisis intervention is available 24/7.

A Team of Support

In order to meet the unique needs for more than 80 families a month, the WrapWorks team involves a very diverse staff with various backgrounds, skills and connections in the community. Working alongside program managers, clinical supervisors and administrative staff are additional roles that allow the true wraparound model to be realized for each child and family:

  • Intensive Care Coordinators: Masters level team leader, responsible for doing assessment and client plans, and setting up/facilitating team meetings

  • Parent Partners: Former participants in the “systems” of child welfare, adoptions, special education, or probation – they act as a mentor, coach and advocate for parents and caretakers, helping to navigate them through the various systems

  • Youth Partners/Skills Trainers: Young professionals who provide support and share their personal story with the youth, take youth into the community to learn life skills, and act as a mentor/advocate for the youth in team meetings

  • Therapists/Substance Abuse Specialists: Provide individual and family therapy when therapy has not been available elsewhere

  • Wraparound Fidelity Specialists: Train and coach all positions on the wraparound values and process

WrapWorks currently accepts referrals from Child Welfare Social Workers and Probation Officers in San Diego County. If your child is not involved in those systems, and you would like to explore private-pay wraparound, this can be possible as well.

Contact Us

For more information:
For questions about eligibility or the referral process:

Contact our WrapWorks Program

For questions about eligibility or the referral process. Se habla español.

Si necesita ayuda para su hijo(a) o tiene preguntas, llámenos al (858) 277-9550.

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