Successful Transitions Resource Center

Teens, ages 15 to 18

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Independent Living Skills

Independent living skills are the skills and abilities a person needs to function independently as an adult. In this section, you will find programs and services that assist teens and young adults with general life skills, money management, transportation, pregnancy and parenting, advocacy skills, and legal needs in San Diego County.

Please note:

The resources and services in this directory are provided by external partners and not by San Diego Center for Children.

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Toward Maximum Independence

Toward Maximum Independence (TMI) is a nonprofit agency that advocates and assists individuals with developmental challenges and who are deaf and hard of hearing to be included members of the community. Since 1981 TMI has been working with local regional centers and the California State Departments of Developmental Services, Rehabilitation and Habilitation to achieve its’ mission to support people with developmental challenges to live, work and take their rightful place in society.

(760) 839-5255

Turning Point Pregnancy Resource Center

If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy, you’ll find the answers and support you need. We know that you have a lot of questions and we want to be your source for answers. You deserve to be fully informed about your options. Turning Point Pregnancy Resource Center is here to help you.

(619) 432-6809

Turning the Hearts Center

More than ever, communities need organizations that are community sensitive, family-centered, purpose driven and result oriented. Communities need organizations that inherently believe in empowering youth and families, and are committed to restoring family unity and self-sufficiency. One such organization is called Turning the Hearts Center (THC). THC, founded in 2001, grew out of a growing community demand to foster programs that empower youth leadership development and strengthen families. We empower youth and families to thrive, and not just survive!

(619) 691-9643

Union of Pan Asian Communities: Child and Adolescent Mental Health Program

UPAC’s Child and Adolescent Mental Health Program provides intensive outpatient behavioral health services and case management for seriously emotionally disturbed (SED) children and families utilizing a comprehensive approach that is community based, client and family driven, trauma informed, and culturally competent. The program focuses on providing services to underserved Asian Pacific Islanders (API) and Latino SED clients with an emphasis on API clients.

(619) 232-6454 Ext. 842

Union of Pan Asian Communities: Transition Age Youth Biopsychosocial Rehabilitation Program and Clubhouse

The Union of Pan Asian Communities (UPAC) is a nationally recognized non-profit organization, offering multicultural, multilingual, comprehensive physical and mental health services to Asian, Pacific Islander and other ethnic communities. The program provides social education, vocational and community reintegration for clients recovering from mental health issues.

(619) 232-6454

University of San Diego: Legal Clinic

USD Legal Clinics are funded by the University of San Diego and, in part, by grants from the State Bar of California and the U.S. Department of Treasury. Services are available to lower income individuals.

Located at: 5998 Alcala Park, Barcelona Hall, Room 305, San Diego, CA 92110

(619) 260-7470

UPAC: Alliance for Community Empowerment (ACE) Program

Alliance for Community Empowerment (ACE) Program was created to address the effects of community violence, strengthen the family, and empower the community. All services aim to create stronger family bonds, reduce delinquent behavior, and advance community respect. All programs are free and target San Diego’s central region.

(619) 265-2772

Urban Beats

Urban Beats is an innovative artistic expression program for Transitional Age Youth (TAY). Through
creating and delivering artistic productions and TAY-focused social media messaging, Urban Beats aims to enhance self-sufficiency and increase TAY engagement in behavioral health treatment. Urban Beats utilizes strengths identification and artistic self-expression to fight the stigma related to mental illness and promote youth self-empowerment and improve wellness.



VineLink is the online version of VINE (Victim Information and Notification Everyday), the National Victim Notification Network. This service allows crime victims to obtain timely and reliable information about criminal cases and the custody status of offenders 24 hours a day.

(877) 411-5588

Vista Hill: Drug Dependency Court

The Vista Hill Dependency Drug Court Program provides adult screenings and referrals to drug and/or alcohol treatment for families that are involved with Child Welfare Services (CWS). Substance Abuse Specialists are stationed at the five Dependency Courts located at County of San Diego Superior Court buildings.

(619) 668-4265

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The resources and services in this directory are provided by external partners and not by San Diego Center for Children.

Funded by the Generosity of

Bank of America

St. Germaine Children's Charity

Agency Inclusion

If you would like to have your agency listed in our Successful Transitions© Resource Center or to update your agency’s information, please send
us an email.


We do not endorse any specific organization listed nor are we responsible for ensuring the quality of the services listed. Users should always select services at their own discretion. Additionally, this information is subject to change as funding for programs can shift over time, though we do our very best to keep the resource center as up-to-date as possible.

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